Tell Me the Truth About Racism

Helping you faithfully dismantle racism with kids and adults

"In the beginning, before there was anything, there was love. God had so much love that God made a big world, with lots of people, and God loved each one of them, and called them by their names. But the people didn’t all love each other the way God loved them, the way God dreamed they would.  Instead, many were afraid of their differences, and believed a lie, that some were better than others. " 

- From The Lie that Caused Racism

Tell Me the Truth About Racism is a story that frames racism through the lens of Christian faith.  We,  Will Bouvel and Jen Holt Enriquez, first built the foundation of this work in Lent 2021 to teach to children (as young as 5) at our churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Soon thereafter we began training other Christian formation leaders to do this work in their own churches. The training program received a Becoming Beloved Community Grant from the Episcopal Church in July of 2021. So far we've walked along side over 75 communities across the United States and Canada so that they can bring the gift of antiracism to children and adults. We'd love to partner with you also in this work! Click here to see what trainings are happening next.

New Trainings Now Open (learn more here)

Register here for next Zoom Dismantling Racism training Cohort September  12 - October 24 (Thursdays 11-1) 

Register here for a Zoom Info Session on our Antiracism work, August 14 2pm - 3pm Central Time

Register here for a Zoom Info Session on our Creation Care work, August 21 11am-12pm Central Time

The gift of dismantling racism for kids

Tell Me the Truth About Racism invites people of all ages into powerful wondering about the legacy of racism in our lives, but it holds a special gift for our youngest Christian disciples. Children are sponges of curiosity, absorbing everything they can to make sense of the world. Sadly, because racism is so systemic in the world, it is also one of the things they will absorb. We believe that framing racism in the context of our faith offers a powerful value system to ground an otherwise difficult discussion.  Our approach defines racism as “The lie in our world that some people are better than others based on the color of their skin.” It is only because of the Truth we know from God, that all people are equally children of God, that we can clearly frame racism as a lie about our identity. Racism is a distortion from how God made us, even though most of us adults are so used to it that it's hard to notice. Before children absorb the lie that racism tells them about other people and even about themselves, we can expose how wrong it is with the Truth of God. That is why we feel this is a gift children.

-Jen and Will

Watch this video interview to hear us describe our work

Our 7 session training gives you the support and brainstorming to adapt the core story of "The Lie that caused Racism" for your specific context. Learn more and APPLY here.

See the latest offerings about our cohort trainings, seminars, and info sessions here.

On our YouTube channel you can watch sessions of the class that Jen and Will have shared with kids, from the "The Lie that caused Racism" story.  

We can design a workshop or presentation for your church or institution.